The new skills agenda for Europe announced the review of the 2006 recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning.
The recommendation identifies eight key competences essential to citizens for personal fulfillment, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, employability, active citizenship and social inclusion.
The key competences are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Knowledge is composed of the concepts, facts and figures, ideas and theories which are already established, and support the understanding of a certain area or subject. Skills are defined as the ability to carry out processes and use the existing knowledge to achieve results. Attitudes describe the disposition and mindset to act or react to ideas.
As far as the ERF is concerned, through EMSA, 6 out the 8 competences will be developed: social and learning competence; Civic competence; and Cultural awareness and expression competence (i.e., all competences except Language Competence and Entrepreneurship competence).