EMSA aims to support three VET providers from third countries in the development of programmes (including their validation) to be offered to their learners on Key Competences (ERF) and Entrepreneurial Mindset (ENTRECOMP framework).
The ERF and ENTRECOMP curriculum and materials include both soft (social competences) and hard skills (digital skills) that will be delivered through non formal learning and will be validated.
EMSA supports:
- Inclusion and diversity, as development of key competences supports inclusion (one of the main aims of the ERF according to the Council Recommendation is “to identify and define the key competences necessary for employability, personal fulfilment and health, active and responsible citizenship and social inclusion”
- Digital dimension, as all the VET programmes are co-delivered through synchronous electronic learning
- Civic engangement, as one of the key competences of ERF is citizenship competence
- Environmental sustainability, as the project will apply green practices (digital materials, less travelling, meeting in locations near mass transportation if possible, using recycled materials etc).
In particular, the main nine objectives of the project are:
- Develop cooperation between six vet providers in the areas of ERF and ENTRECOMP but also in the area of development and validation of key competences
- Implement together the whole cycle of 2 VET programmes (from the design, to the evaluation and validation)
- Co-design, co-develop VET curricula and materials for the 6 (out of the 8 competences) of the ERF and the 15 competences of ENTRECOMP and to align them with specific EQF level (level 5)
- Develop the competences of VET providers of third countries (not associated to the programme) on the design of curricula and materials as well as the specific frameworks (ERF and ENTRECOMP)
- Co-develop assessment tools for ENTRECOMP and ERF curricula to be used for the validation of the non formal learning provided to the learners
- Develop and validate the competences of the learners
- To empower the VET providers in the third countries (not associated to the program) through the implementation of capacity building activities such as workshops, training of master trainers etc.
- To promote this capacity building results to other VET providers in the countries of the consortium as well as outside of the countries of the consortium
- To incorporate competences into training and education that link to the green deal and sustainability through the means of entrepreneurship