WP1: Project Management and coordination
This WP ensures that project activities Are implemented according to the time schedule set and within budget and to monitor the indicators of the project (qualitative and quantitative). It also sets to produce the reports for the Agency and to implement the quality assurance of the project.
WP2: Joint development of ENTRECOMP and ERF curricula, materials and platform
This WP is a key component of the project as it set to co-design and co-develop two training courses with their curricula and training materials on the 15 competences of ENTRECOMP and to train learners on the 6 (out of the 8) competences of ERF (both on EQF Level 5) and to upload all the materials on an e-learning platform (for asynchronous electronic learning).
WP3: Pilot training of ENTRECOMP and ERF using synchronous electronic learning
This WP is going to be used to implement a first level evaluation of the curricula and materials of ENTRECOMP and ERF through the training of trainers, through joint learning activities. In addition, it aims to train the trainers to deliver the curricula and materials, to implement the national pilots in all countries based on which curricula and materials will be evaluated at a second level and to develop the skills and competences of learners on ENTRECOMP and ERF.
WP4: Validation of non-formal learning through ISO17024
This work package aims to develop 2 certification schemes based on ISO71024. One for ENTRECOMP and ERF (EQF Level 5) and to develop an assessment tool on ENTRECOMP (EQF Level 5) and finally to develop an assessment tool on ERF (EQF Level 5).
WP5: Dissemination and exploitation
This is the work package that is going to be used in order to empower the VET providers in the third countries (not associated with the program) through the implementation of capacity building activities and to promote this capacity building results to other VET providers in the countries of the consortium as well as outside the countries of the consortium